Al-Sadrain Center

for strategic thought


Al-Sadrain Center

for political Studies


Al-Sadrain Center for bridging between Islamic trends


Al-Sadrain Center

for Religions & Civilizations Dialogue


A guide for The Most Important Islamic Sites


To Contact The Institution Secretary



Institution Secretary

General's Works


Central Islamic



Concepts &Terminology







Monthly Institution Programme

* please , send your paper ,Studies & Contribution which on the monthly subject announced through the four sadrain centers shown on the home page and the monthly programme for the Institution will be soured by the Institution as a monthly bulletin with the name of the paper ,studies and contribution .

* please , send your studies and contribution on the follows E-mail address :


              To Send E-mail



Al-Sadrain Center

for strategic thought

Topic for discussion this


Woman between Islamic and The west


Al-Sadrain Center

for political Studies

Topic for discussion this month

The Islamic Parties between Islamic principles and Pragmatism 


Al-Sadrain Center for bridging between Islamic trends

 Topic for discussion this month

The Source of divergence between Muslim Scholars & the Practical Steps to unify the Islamic Nation


Al-Sadrain Center

for Religions & Civilizations Dialogue

Topic for discussion this month

The waited Mehdi in the civilizations Dialogue and its Conflict  


..............All Rights reserved..............

Assaad Turky

 Secretary General

Al-Sadrain Institution for Strategic Studies