by: Dr. M.J. Sahlani
It is about the role of Hajj in Islamic Unity, calling Muslims
to make use of this Outstanding collective worship of Muslims for achieving a
deserving Islamic unity, might and magnificence.
Word of Proximity
"It is an Islamic obligation to have concern about Muslim
Affairs" is an article written by Mr Vaez-zadeh Khorassani, which discusses
about the noble tradition that says "Whoever is careless about the Islamic
affairs is not considered a Muslim".
Qur'anic studies
This second part of Mr. S.M.B. Hakim's discussion about "Human
society in th Holy Qur'an" has been written for this issue, wherein the matter
of man's vicegerency on the Earth is taken into consideration.
Studies in Tradition
Here, the word of Bokhari's Sahih and the other Six - Sahihs are
discussed, in which the writer makes a comparison between the Sahih of Bokhari
with the other traditional books of the Sunni School.
studies in approximity
"Discrepancy and the approach of wise dialogue", authored by
Sheikh M.A. Taskhiri, whereby the reasons behind the discrepancies among Islamic
religion, as well as the Islamic approach to encounter these differences, are
taken into consideration.
proximity and personalities
Sheikh Habib Ale Ibrahim is the personality who has been
introduced by Dr. Mohammad Tayy in this issue and the views of this Lebanese
scholar on Islamic Unity are mentioned.
literary studies
The viewpoints of Sayyed Qutb about certain Iranian poets and
literary figures are given in this issue. Sayyed Qutb's literary criticism is
discussed here.
Here, we regard the movement that has been developed in Islamic
world about the studies taking place on Muslims' situation in Twenty-first
century. Mr. M.H. Akhtari's lecture in the Conference of India's Islamic
Society and Mr. Taskhiri's Speech in ISESCO'S dialogue are given . Both of them
consider the prospects of Islamic World in 21 century.
special Issue
This special Issue is dedicated to The 20th Anniversary of the
Islamic Revolution; it Includes The message of the leader, some articles
concerning the struggles of the Islamic Republic of Iran's authorities about the
Islamic Unity.
proxomity news
The latest news concerning the World Assembly of Proximity, as
well as its Secretary - General's activities are presented here.