مركز الصدرين للتقريب بين المذاهبالإسلامية


by: Dr. M.J. Sahlani


It is about the blessed Month of Ramadan and the role that Ramadan fastings, as well as other collective prayers and divinely serving activities has in creating unity among Muslims. Exaltation of the common sense among Muslim people is one of such activities. All the authorities in the Islamic World have been invited to attract the attention of all Muslims to this highly-praised goal and deepen this common sense during the holy month.


The word of Proximity


In this article, Mr. Vaez-zadeh Khorassani speaks about "Characteristics and Personalities of Islamic Unity", discussing the Qur'anic terms concerning unity and brotherly activities among Muslims", some symbols of unity among Mulims, as well as of the past and present, serving in the path of Islamic Unity, are reminded here.


Qur'anic studies

This article contains the first of a serial discussion of the matter of "Human society in the Holy Qur'an". The writer, Mr. S.M.B. Hakim, mentions the kinds of exegises and their significance about the Qur'anic views concerning man, and his important characteristics in the crucial historic movements.

Guide - words of the leader

The important points of the speech of the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah-al-Uzma Khamene'i, delivered in the gathering of the professors of "Post-graduate University of Tutors' Training" are translated in this section, which includes the most significant ideas about the matter of freedom in Islam as well as ithe west, pointing out the limitations that each of these schools of thought have considered for this matter.

studies in approximity

Three discussions on the subject of proximity are written in this issue:

1- Dr. Abd - ul - Aziz Al - Khayyat discusses about "the unity between the Islamic ummah and state", mentioning the viewpoints of the Sunni and Shi'ite Fugaha (Jurisprudents) and philosophers about the political unity as well as the necessity of Islamic state in society.
2- "Human Dignity in the Light of Islamic principles", is the title of another article, written by Dr. Abd-ul-Aziz Al - Tawayjeri, which talks about the place of human dignity in the Islamic laws as well as the bitter realities of Islamic societies.

3- Dr.Wahbah Al-Zoheily writes about "Universality, Everlasting and the Seal of Prophethood" in which an illustration of a true Islamic society has been discussed, as well as a plan to achieve such society according to the essentials of the life and the common benefits of Muslims with respect to the co-existence of different religions and peoples.

spiritual preparation

It is about the "Awareness of Human Being During the Prayer Performance", authored by Sheikh Mohammad Mahdi Asafi, wherein the meaning of this awareness, as well as its value, has been discussed.

Books in the Balance of Proximity

Two books are mentioned here, one of them is titled "The Contemporary Islamic Issues" which includes an interview with Mr. S.M.H. Fazlollah, mainly talking on the matters of unity and proximity. The other book is called "Shahrestani's Exegesis - Vol.I" that contains certain views about Islamic religions.


literary study

Here, Dr. M.A. Azarshab discusses about "Two great Arab poets in Iran", these two eminent poets are Abu - Tammam and Motanabbi who had reflected Iranian affairs in their works.


the view of approximity in the press

Sheikh Ahmad Kaftarue, the author of this article, writes on the impacts of religious proximity on societies, cultures, economics and politics.

مركز الصدرين للتقريب بين المذاهب الإسلامية